Mutation Z: Desperate Measures
Attacked by pirates aboard a cargo ship, the scientists realize they’re in a brutal race against time to find a cure for the growing plague.
As things heat up in the United States with both the U.S. military and radical militias targeting those trying to develop a vaccine and cure for the Zombie Plague, more researchers flee to Mark Chen’s bunker in China. There, they will be free to carry on their research. Bringing patients afflicted with the Zombie Virus to China on a cargo ship, they’re attacked by pirates. It becomes very clear that they’re in a race against time to try and save the human race.
NOVELLA. GENRES: Zombie Fiction, Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.
Mutation Z: Desperate Measures is the sixth and final book in the Mutation Z series.
“I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this series. Ms. Peake is an excellent writer and this series shows it well.” – Haggielady, Amazon Reviewer
“I almost didn’t want to start this one as it’s the final book and I didn’t want it to end. / I wondered who would survive, if they’d find a cure, whether the world could be saved. I didn’t have a clue how all of my questions would be answered. / The author did a bang up job of doing just that.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog